Family of Poets
WORDS BY Ryan Glazer PHOTOS BY Jennifer Jeffers

There’s officially a new poet in town, her name is Marion Grace Jeffers, and she just published her first book. Although Marion was born in Carthage, New York, she’s been a Richmond Hill girl all her life— moving here as a one year old in 1998. Marion attended the Methodist Day School for preschool and then Richmond Hill Schools before spreading her wings at Georgia Southern University.

Marion’s mother says she has always had a way with words, and was encouraged by so many to publish her poetry. No one was more in her corner of encouragement than her Great Aunt, Lolete Falck Barlow, who was also a writer. Lolete is best known for her book of poetry, Unheard Melodies, and as a writer for the US Air Force Memorial in Washington D.C.
In December 2022, at the young age of 24, Marion published her first book,Watercolor Memories: A Collection of Poetry. “It was written for a time such as this,” her mother Jennifer Jeffers tells us. “To encourage people to think of the Lord. To keep on trying to find the beauty in life and to focus on being a helper not a hinderer in this life. This collection of poetry helps find joy in the simple things and to realize how really blessed we are even when in a tough spot.”

In Marion’s debut collection of inspirational poems and illustrations, she lyrically paints images of faith, prayer, hope, relationships, heartache, love for family and friends, and the joys of God’s nature. As a gift to encourage her writing, Aunt Lolete gave Marion the rights to include her poetry in the book. Every author understands deadlines, and this piece was on a special kind. Marion was able to complete Watercolor Memories just a few weeks before her Aunt Lolete passed away. “She was able to congratulate her and tell her what an amazing job she did,” Jennifer exclaims. The book contains gorgeous illustrations by Jennifer, Marion’s Grandmother, Jeanne F. Stoddard, and local artist, Jim Leahy.
Congratulations on a beautiful book, Marion.