Night To Shine and Shine and Shine
Words By Cheryl Pangborn

Beautiful gowns, sparkly tiaras, crowns, dancing, extraordinary people and a red carpet. No, you’re not in Hollywood; you’re in Richmond Hill at the 5th Annual Tim Tebow’s Night To Shine (NTS) event. When I accompanied my own special needs child to the NTS last year, I was blown away. I knew I had to get behind the scenes to find out how this amazing evening comes together. If you’re unfamiliar with NTS, the Tim Tebow Foundation sponsors a prom-like experience for those with exceptional needs, and they absolutely pull out all the stops to give these special people their own magnificent party.
I chatted with Gina Vogel, director of Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Church, where the Night to Shine takes place. She has been spearheading this project since 2020. “One of the special needs parents came to me asking if the church could host the NTS and I thought it was a great idea,” she says. The next thing she knew, she was knee deep in applying to the foundation and gaining approval to become a host location. “This truly started a new and fulfilling journey for the special needs population all over South Georgia.” She admits her team of “ten unstoppable ladies” is the wind beneath her wings as she maneuvers through the never-ending tasks associated with its success.

Putting on an event of any kind rarely comes without challenges and setbacks. Gina looks back to 2020 and recalls how Covid tried to derail the first and second attempt at NTS, but her team refused to cancel it. Instead, they created a modified drive-up version of the event so the guests could still have some of the experience. More recently, the flooding from tropical storm Debbie essentially ruined all her supplies for NTS. “We just keep going. It’s too important to cancel or give up on. Fortunately, we have many who give selflessly to see this happen every year.”
Gina proudly tells me that the level of community involvement is staggering. Literally hundreds of volunteers giving of their time, talent, supplies, labor and donations of all kinds make it all possible. “The community has been very generous. At the 2024 event we had 732 people at the event including families, volunteers, caregivers and local municipal employees.” Their efforts begin in August when Gina has to reapply to be a host for the event. She happily reports that this year, a local law firm has partnered with them to help with much of the paperwork as well as being available at the event to help answer questions for caregivers and families. She’s grateful for First Baptist budgeting some of their weekly donations specifically for NTS and of course for the many outside donations that help make the night a success.

One of the exciting parts leading up to the event is a “fitting party” for the guests. Amy Clark Hofmann, owner of Another Debut, a local consignment business, beams as she tells me about donating unsold dresses to the cause. “This is our 4th year assisting in this amazing event! The fitting party has grown so much. We get to take over the gymnasium at First Baptist so there is plenty of room for the ladies to try on and twirl in their gowns and the young men show off their dapper selves, too. How fun is it to dress up and be a prince or princess for a day!” Amy accepts donations of dresses, shoes, accessories, men’s clothing all year to prep for this event. She takes in anywhere from 150-200 outfits each year.
February 7th is the date of this year’s Night to Shine. As is the tradition, each honored guest will be greeted by the RHHS band playing and cheering for them. Some will arrive in limos that are part of the experience. They walk the red carpet as they are formally introduced to the crowd. They can come with a guest, or a “buddy” can be assigned to accompany them throughout the evening. There are a number of stations available inside. From shoe shining, hair and nails, and karaoke. Dinner, music, dancing, (or a sensory area for those who prefer quiet) and a crowning ceremony are all on the agenda. There is literally something for everyone. I noticed how the energy and excitement is not only seen in the guests, but the volunteers who are dressed in their finest as well. They show up ready to serve. As a parent, seeing the attention to detail that addresses the needs of each guest personally, truly brings me such joy.

With such effort needed for one night, I had to know what motivates Gina and her team to keep going. “Our mission is “we” the people, are the church, not the building. Reaching out with God’s love is the motivation.” She adds that the team doesn’t just gear up for one night. “We follow up with our guests. We schedule hospital visits and answer prayer requests. We follow their birthdays and other life changing events. We make sure the night to shine continues to shine all year long.” Gina says at the end of the day she knows the Night to Shine, with all of its sparkle and glamour really just makes the special needs population feel loved and important and celebrated. And for her, that’s what it’s all about.
If you’d like to contribute to this year’s event, you can find more information here.