Pumpkin Preservation

A few tricks and tips for extending the life of your carved pumpkin… 🎃


  • Pick a long-lasting pumpkin. Look for even colored flesh without dings and dents.
  • Poke your pumpkin for soft spots. A firm pumpkin has the longest potential lifespan.
  • Pick local! Pumpkins that have not endured a country hike will likely have a longer porch life.


  • After carving your pumpkin, make an extra effort to remove all seeds and pulp.
  • Soak in a water and peppermint dish soap. Peppermint is a natural anti fungal. Give it a good dunk before you carve.
  • Consider refrigerating your carved pumpkin each night instead of leaving it on the porch.
  • Spray the pumpkin thoroughly with a peppermint dish soap and water mixture each night and place in a plastic bag- this will rehydrate the pumpkin.
  • If your pumpkin appears to be wilting, soak it in a bucket of water overnight.
  • Make a fruit fly trap- there are several DIYs on Pinterest.