Spooky Treats
Recipes and Photos by Jessi Hampton@Just Trying Recipes

Ghost Rice Cereal Treats
Prepare rice krispies using your favorite recipe or by using the individually wrapped, pre-made version. I made mine using the recipe on the back of the rice cereal box and then added festive Halloween themed sprinkles.
Using a butter knife or spatula, smear vanilla icing onto the top of each rice krispie, making a ghost shape.
Finish off the ghost by adding a mouth and eyes using black gel icing.

Pretzel Stick Spider Webs
Melt vanilla and chocolate candy coating according to package directions.
Put melted chocolate into squeeze bottles with a narrow spout or a Ziploc bag with the tip cut off.
On a parchment paper lined baking sheet, arrange each spider web using five pretzel sticks and create a circle. With one end of each pretzel pointing to the center.
Squeeze melted chocolate into the center of the pretzel circle. Begin circling the chocolate around the center until you get to the end of the pretzels.
Pull A toothpick from the center of the chocolate center to the outside edges of the pretzels. Pay close attention to not move the pretzels.
Decorate with Halloween themed sprinkles.
Place the spider webs into the refrigerator to harden. Once they’re ready, gently pull the webs from the parchment paper.

Frankenstein Kiwis
Slice the bottom for a base and remove the bottom half of the kiwi peel. Stem side up for the top.
Using small pieces of pretzel sticks, push into the sides of the kiwi (close to where ears would be).
Use chocolate frosting for the mouth and to attach the candy eyes.