Let’s Play!
Richmond Hill Playgroups

Giselle Mosley moved to Richmond Hill in the Spring of 2022 from Southwest Florida.
As a newbie to the area, this wife and mother of two was looking for things to do.
“I kept meeting families around town and wanted a day and time to be able to invite them to come meet some of the other awesome families I had been meeting,” says Giselle. So, last September, Giselle started Richmond Hill Playgroups. She says that what started as a simple playground meet-up has become so much more.

After Giselle got to know more of the kids, she felt that maybe adding an enriching activity each week would make their weekly event even more fun. “We started adding sensory experiences, story times with a craft, and it’s kind of evolved from there. It’s been really awesome seeing the kids improve their fine and gross motor skills, as well as growing their social skills from week to week. The transformation of some of these kids from when I first met them to now has been remarkable. Some of them have really come out of their shells and made some great friends,” she exclaims.

The group welcomes all ages and all abilities to join in on the fun, and that includes dads, grandparents, and nannies. “We aim to be a very inclusive group and try our best to make it fun for everyone!” Giselle says. “One of the best parts about Playgroup each week is seeing all the genuine community building that is happening. We’re really building something special here, and it’s been so beautiful to witness.”

“Families looking to meet other families are welcome to join us at J.F. Gregory Park every Thursday at 10am. We also meet occasionally on Saturdays at 10:30am,” says Giselle. “Another group has evolved from Playgroup, too, Southeast Georgia SAHM. This one was created to help fill the community need for the stay at home mamas! I usually use Playgroup as a great way to plug-in with the parents to see if they could benefit from the SAHM group. The best way to get involved is to just jump in and join us at the J.F. Gregory Playground.”
Find them on Facebook @Richmond Hill Playgroups or on Instagram at @RichmondHill_Playgroups to see upcoming themes.